Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wearing Your Rights

When I was in the 8th grade I had a friend named Kaitlynn. We were insanely close and always set next to each other in Mr. Smith's history class. One day she drew the Star of David on my hand, in sharpie! Being the young teen I was at the time I retaliated in drawing the Swastika on her hand. It was no big deal until later that day I was called down to the Principles office. It was an utter shock to me, I had no idea why I would have to go there, I was a good kid. Low and behold it was because I drew the Swastika on her wrist. They could care less that she drew the Star of David on me. The point was that I should be able to put whatever on my body that I so choose to. In today's world everyone has to walk around on tiptoes about what should and should not be done. Is it okay to refer to an African american as Black, should the confederate flag be flown, are you racist for calling Mexican food Mexican food? In my opinion people have become way to sensitive. The only time that I believe you shouldn't be allowed to fly the confederate flag or wear the Swastika is when it is bring harm to another individual. Let me clarify when I mean harm to an individual I do not mean them being over dramatic and getting mad over another persons thoughts.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Why care about Climate Change

Natural Selection and Adaptation. No species was meant to live forever. "between 200 and 2000 extinctions occur each year," (World Wildlife Fund). Extinction is a natural part of life. So why care about climate change. Klaus Winter once did a study and found that the rising temperature was actually good for rain-forest and caused tree to grow taller (Wade). It has now become a hot topic of debate across the globe as more environmental studies are being done. Should we use plastic bags, should we go green, what can be done? All questions that ultimately do not matter. Yes I recycle when I can. I usually get paper instead of plastic and I use a reusable water bottle.  Will I stop driving my car as much, no. Will I still use my daily necessities that end up in a land fill, yes. For me there is no reason to tip toe around it. What is done is done. Yes we can prolong the issue however unless a scientific development is made global warming will continue to occur. Natural selection will take place in one form or another. Leaving the earth in a state of a new world, for the process to occur once again.

Wade, Lizzie. "Climate Change Means One World’s Death and Another’s Birth." Wired.com. Conde Nast Digital, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015.
"How Many Species Are Losing." World Wildlife Fund. WWF, n.d. Web.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


There use to be a time when not having a college education wasn't a big deal. People were still able to get jobs paying decent money and live a good life. However the times have changed. Adrienne is in the server industry with me here in Kansas City. She is 40 years old and has a degree in Biology from the University of Missouri- Kansas City. Yet she still is working as server making roughly $20,000 a year. Therefore why am I in the same program she went through, spending my money?
It has become increasingly difficult to find a good paying job even with a specific degree. Then the question arise why pay to for college then? Well for me it comes down to making $50,000 a year with a bachelors degree or going for eight years and making $150,000+ a year. Its a no brainer to at least get a Bachelors degree in today's world. Especially with all the grants you can receive, making college much more affordable. Although it is just a piece of paper saying I studied here, it represents, dedication, work ethic and responsibility. 
Choosing UMKC was the best option for myself. First we have one of the top dental programs and that was the biggest factor for me as Pre-Dental Student. Next I was able to get instate tuition at a good college that has great programs. Finally why not go to college. I'm not the person who can sit at home doing nothing, I also do not want to be the person who works +40 hours a week to bring home enough money to survive. I ultimately want to live life and the only way to do that nowadays is with money. 
In the end I chose to get educated and pay the money because I want to make the money. 
-Skyler Allen